What would you do if there was nothing you had to do?

March 20, 2015 – Most of our lives are measured out in coffee spoons—meaning we wake up, brush our teeth, have our coffee, go to work, recover from the day, then it’s time for dinner, time to go to bed … there’s family-and-friend time in there, and, if you’re lucky, perhaps a vacation—which means vacation Read more about What would you do if there was nothing you had to do?[…]

What are tarot cards and how do they work?

February 18, 2015 – Tarot cards are an ancient book of symbols that represent human archetypes and wisdom. Their origin is shrouded in mystery, and their complexity and layers of meaning has fascinated mystics and scholars for centuries. Essentially, they form a deck of 78 cards. Fifty-six of these are the precursor of our familiar playing cards. There Read more about What are tarot cards and how do they work?[…]